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Rouse Hill - the superb location in the valuable north west of Sydney

Views: All views 3715, Today number of views 1.   Date created: 31.12.2015 12:35:46
House, 4 bedrooms, Sydney

Price: 986.4 K $ Sale

Listing ID:
Property type:
Sydney, 58 the water lane, Rouse hill, nsw
986.4 K $ Sale

Been looking for a freestanding home amongst one of the fastest growing suburb of Sydney?
Been looking for an investment opportunity with great capital gain potential?
Need to pay extra money for Driveway, landscaping, Fencing, letterbox, Blind, even Flyscreens?
That’s why we Ausland Property Group provides wonderful turnkey solution, Selling a wide variety of house land packages at Rouse Hill!
This superb location offers top convenience to future Rouse Hill train station, and shopping village,Be amongst the fastest growing precinct in the Hills, and enjoy the easy proximity to transport, schools and Shopping Centres.

Single or double storey freestanding house,
All bedrooms with en-suite or built ins,
Tiling and carpet throughout,
3 Coat paint system in Taumans Endure,
Open plan kitchen with ceasarstone and stainless steel appliances,
Nice Alfresco dining area towards your landscaped backyard,
Landscaping and turf included,
Concrete Driveway,
Colorbond Fencing,
Remote control unit to garage door,
Letterbox, Blinds, Flyscreen, TV antennae included.

Price is from $811,700 to $1,002,400.
Please call Lily 0422 433 597 or Jason 0403 886 199 for more information and inspection time. Please tell us the reference number RH0046 when contact, Thanks!

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