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Riverstone area leads the top 10 fastest growing suburbs

Views: All views 3552, Today number of views 1.   Date created: 30.12.2015 15:10:30
Listing ID:
Property type:
Sydney, Riverstone nsw
Price on asking

Project In Brief

~Corner of William Street & Crown Street, Riverstone, Sydney, Australia
 250 home sites ranging in size from 300 – 450 sqm, all Torrens freehold
title. Two storey and single level family sized homes.
 Expected development completion and registration of title in Feb 2017
 5 minutes to Riverstone Village Shopping Centre & train station
 8 minutes to Rouse Hill Shopping Centre, Sydney Business Park at
Marsden Park, and M7 freeway access
 15 minutes to Norwest Business Park at Bella Vista
 45 kilometres (50 minutes) north-west of Sydney CBD, 15km from Castle
Hill, and just 4.5km to Box Hill
 Education : Local pre-school, primary school, high school, and just 10
minutes to university of western Sydney campus.
 Recereation amenities are all close at hand including parks, sports fields,
and the Riverstone Swimming Centre.


All the house land package including:

Fixed Site costs, no suprises
Carpeted and tiled throughout
2590mm nominal ceiling height
Smart stone bench top to kitchen, bathroom & ensuite
Quality stainless steel appliances
Superior fittings and fixtures
Fly screen and security screens to external doors
Blinds throughout
Outdoor patio area under main roof
Turfed and landscaped
Driveway and pathways
Fully fenced
clothesline and letterbox
Preselected colours; Interior decorators have created stylish interiors.


Price is from $779,980, Please email or call Jason 0403 886199 / Lily 0422 433 597 for more information or any enquiry. Thanks!

~Disclaimer: The information provided herewith has been furnished to us. We have not verified whether or not that any information is accurate and do not have any belief one way or the other in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should make and rely on their own inquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.


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